Official German NSDAP Govt Booklet (1933) “The New Germany desires Work and Peace”

This is booklet was an authorized English language translation and publication by the newly democratically elected NSDAP government, whereby Hitler had been duly and legally appointed as the Chancellor, by President von Hindenburg. It was also translated and published in French, Dutch, Spanish, Portuguese and other European languages. The booklet contains various speeches by the new Leader, and was made available for the international media and to the governments of Europe and the western nations, that they might understand the agenda and policies of the new National Government of Germany and the basis for these policies, and be reassured of Germany’s peaceful intentions.

It should be noted that, at the time Hitler and the NSDAP came to power, roughly one third of the German work force was unemployed and people were starving. Post-WWI Weimar Germany, in addition to the world wide economic impact of the Great Depression, had suffered through years of hyper-inflation, was burdened with massive debt due to war reparation payments imposed on her by the allies, and was deeply divided socially and politically, and had been in a state of chronic chaos and despair. Hitler promised not only “change” and “hope”, but a real lasting recovery, with peace and prosperity, and to restore national pride and dignity to the long suffering German people, IF they would unite behind him. He then delivered it. The recovery was nothing short of a miracle, which made Germany the envy of her neighbours, and the enemy of the International Bankers and High-Finance elite, because Germany was no longer their debt slave.


“As regards to their foreign policy, the National Government considers their highest mission to be the securing of the right to live and the restoration of freedom to our nation. Their determination to bring to an end the chaotic state of affairs in Germany will assist in restoring to the community of nations a State of equal value and, above all, a State which must have equal rights. They are impressed with the importance of their duty to use this nation of equal rights as an instrument for the securing and maintenance of that peace which the world requires today more than ever before.

May the good will of all others assist in the fulfilment of this our earnest wish for the welfare of Europe and of the whole world.” ~ Chancellor Adolf Hitler

INTRODUCTION  (by Dr. Joseph Goebbels)

“The New Germany Desires Work and Peace”

The above is the title given to this collection of the speeches which the German Chancellor, Adolf Hitler, has delivered since his entry into office on the 30* January 1933. That this Germany wishes for work needs no further demonstration. Nearly five million men and women are struggling to regain the positions they have lost in factories and offices. Unemployment, that terrible disease of our times, keeps them idle. The governments of the past, who, along with their system, have been superseded by National Socialism, were embarrassed and inactive when faced by this pressing problem. The Hitler Government have made their plans and declared war on unemployment. It is not with outside aid that they intend to overcome the evil; they are not going to the other nations of the world, as their predecessors did, to beg humbly for protection and assistance. They know that crises and despair are prevalent in every country, and for this reason they have determined to master the evil in their own way and on their own initiative. The return of two million men and women to work bears witness to the fact that Hitler’s attempt to solve the problem of unemployment has not been without success.

But just as this New Germany desires work, it also desires peace. It has announced to the whole world, through the mouth of the Chancellor himself, speaking in the Reichstag, that it has no aggressive intentions whatever, that it does not wish to provoke anyone nor to stir up unrest. It wishes to pursue its work in peace and in a spirit of deep moral conviction, in order to make sure of its daily bread. It stands unarmed before the world, and has no other means of proving the genuineness of its intentions but its industry and assiduity. It is firmly convinced that the world cannot regard its claims with indifference.

When this Germany announces that it will not sign any treaties that cannot be observed, it only does so because it intends to observe faithfully all treaties that have once been signed. It is an orderly and disciplined Germany in which authority rules that has been awakened by Adolf Hitler and his movement, and is endeavouring to gain the confidence and understanding of the world.

The world is still suspicious; with the exception of a few men who have had the courage to look the facts in the face, the world has no understanding whatever, or at best a very poor one, for the meaning of the events that have taken place in Germany. Then only will it ready appreciate the overwhelming importance of the internal revolution in Germany when Europe’s need has become so great that people everywhere begin to realize that, without mutual understanding and respect between nations, peace cannot flourish and that the scourge of unemployment will continue to afflict the nations of the world.

The speeches delivered by Adolf Hitler since the 30th January 1933 are eloquent proofs of Germany’s desire for work and peace. May the world learn at least one thing from them, namely, that the German nation once more deserves to be respected by the other nations in the same way as it can now once more respect itself.

Dr. Joseph Goebbels

(*emphasis added)


1. Proclamation by the Government of the Reich to the German People on 1 February 1933 ….page 5
2. Speech by President von Hindenburg on the occasion of the Opening of the Reichstag on 21 March 1933 ….. page 10

Speeches delivered by Chancellor Adolf Hitler:
1. on the occasion of the Opening of the Reichstag on 21 March 1933 . . . . . page 11
2. in the Reichstag on 23 March 1933 15
3. to the representatives of German Agriculture on 5 April 1933 …… page 27
4. on the Day of National Labour, 1 May 1933 …. .. page 31
5. at the Congress of the German Labour Front on 10 May 1933 …… page 38
6. in the Reichstag on 17 May 1933…….. page 53
7. to the Reich Commissioners on 6 July 1933 …… page 65


My German People,

Adolf Hitler, one nation, one people, one leader When the German people, trusting to the assurances given in President Wilson’s Fourteen Points, laid down their arms in November 1918, that marks the end of a fateful warfare for which perhaps individual statesmen, but certainly not the peoples themselves can be held responsible. The German nation fought so heroically because it was fighting in the sacred conviction that it had been wrongfully attacked, and that therefore right was on its side. Of the magnitude of the sacrifices which the German people – having to rely almost entirely on its own resources – made during those years, other nations can scarcely have any conception. If, in the days following the armistice, the world had stretched out a hand to its vanquished opponent in the spirit of fairness, mankind would have been spared endless sorrow and countless disappointments.

It was the German people who suffered the deepest disappointment. Never has a conquered nation so earnestly striven to help heal the wounds of its former enemies, as did the German nation in the long years in which it fulfilled the conditions which had been imposed upon it. If all these sacrifices have not led to real, lasting peace between the nations, the cause of this is to be found in the very nature of a treaty which, by its attempt to perpetuate the discrimination between victors and vanquished, could not but perpetuate hatred and enmity. The nations could rightly have expected that out of this greatest war of all times, the lesson might have been learned that, especially for European nations, no possible gain could compare with the immensity of the sacrifice. As, therefore, in this treaty the German nation was charged to destroy its armaments in order to make world-disarmament possible, countless millions believed that this demand was the sign of growing enlightenment.

The German people destroyed their arms.

Believing that their former enemies would fulfil their part of the treaty obligations, the German people honoured their side of the bargain with almost fanatical sincerity. Land, naval and air material was destroyed in countless numbers. In place of an army which had once numbered a million, a small professional army, with utterly inadequate arms, was established in accordance with the demands of the victor powers. The political destinies of the nation were at this time in the hands of men whose outlook had its roots in the world of the victor states. The German nation had every right to expect that, if for this reason alone, the rest of the world would keep its word in the same way that the German people, by the sweat of their brows, in deep distress, and under terrible deprivations, were fulfilling their part of the agreement.

No war can freeze the stream of time, no peace can be the perpetuation of war. A time must come when victor and vanquished must find the way once more to common understanding and mutual trust.

One and a half decades the German nation has waited in the hope that the end of the war would at length lead to the end of hatred and enmity. The object of the Treaty of Versailles did not seem, however, to give mankind a lasting peace, but rather to perpetuate hatred forever. ~ Chancellor Adolf Hitler

(*emphasis added)


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